Show Others Care
I will show others the care You've given me. (from Brendan Liturgy, Part XVI in Celtic Daily Prayer)
Several months ago I received two deep moments of caring. In the morning I met with a friend for two hours, journeying through a labyrinth of ideas and connections. Before leaving I mentioned that I wasn’t feeling comfortable in the shoes that a new role as supervisor has me wearing. Then as I headed to the door he looked me in the eyes and encouraged me to give myself grace—God is working in me and the material God is using is good. Wow! I needed to hear that. Later in the day, a dear friend was dropping off decorations for the annual Thanksgiving dinner for grad students. When she left she too looked me in the eyes and said “You know I love you and am so proud of you”. Another gift of blessing.
What gifts! Part of me wants to store these blessings away, taking them out when I need them. But what if I look to share with others instead?
This is difficult when I’m trained to look at the world through eyes of scarcity. I need to save up these moments because only so much care exists. If I give from my reserve, I question who will be there for me at other times.
Yet, this was not Jesus’ way.
And taking the five loaves and the two fish, he looked up to heaven and said a blessing over them. Then he broke the loaves and gave them to the disciples to set before the crowd. And they all ate and were satisfied. And what was left over was picked up, twelve baskets of broken pieces. - Matthew 9:16,17
In words and actions Jesus blesses and gives freely of a seemingly small amount of food. I long to live like this. To care in small and large ways with each person I encounter. To pray that God would bless the meager “food” I have to offer and then to give it away. Yet, I’m afraid that people will reject this care or that it won’t be enough and that eventually no one will be there to care for me. So I hold on tightly to the food of care when it comes.
However, I know that God is to be our foundation in life. The place where we always return when it seems that there is nothing. But I need something I can see as well. People through whom God works, uch as these two friends. My prayer is that I would be quiet enough to listen to His care in whatever form it may come, and then courageous enough to share it.