Creating a Pilgrimage Way Station
I imagine that this home will be a way station for reading, writing, thinking, praying, and feasting.
Ruth: An Unexpected Story
The second in the series of devotions on Ruth. What do you do when life throws you an unexpected story?
A Fitting Story
How does your life story fit? It can be tempting to wear someone else's story that looks good, but there's something there's something to finding the one that is just your size. Doing so doesn't require hours in a fitting room, just a focus on the Creator of all stories.
Making a Home
How do you create a home? This is a new journey that I've been walking over the past months and I'd enjoy hearing the reflections of others about your homes.
Ash Wednesday - Stop Now
It's Ash Wednesday a time to reflect and start the, at times, painful journey towards Easter. I find it difficult to stop, what about you?
Losing Sight of the Shore
Losing sight of our shores will look different for different individuals. Still, whatever they look like, they are departures that allow us to open our eyes to new possibilities in life.