God in the Busyness
So, last week was one of the growing task list - and it has bled over to this week. Contact students, buy food, send out a prayer update. Then I look at the actual time I have and it seems a pittance. Another day to just get through, or is it? On one of my many phone calls yesterday I asked the person on the other end how their summer had been and we had a conversation beyond setting up meals. It made the difference. For even a brief moment there was a glimpse of God in relationship.To combat the tendency to just get through the day I intended to start each hour with a prayer using Luther’s writings on the Psalms. Here was a small way I could slow down to remember the story and see myself as part of it - becoming aware of where God is connecting with me. As I did this I hoped that I would start seeing the many tasks not as work to get through, but opportunities to connect with God. I can’t say I kept this up perfectly, but after I read a few psalms I returned to my work with a different attitude.I started cleaning the house thinking of the students who would show up. Dusting, straightening, and putting away dishes in the newly remodeled kitchen. I wanted to prepare a place where students would feel comfortable and inspired. Yet, also a place that would challenge them. A place where they can rest from the busyness in their lives.